Who is mamike™ and why another online store for cosplayers:inside?!
A cosplay online store with click & collect and material introduction courses.
You’re absolutely right, of course. There are already some online stores in Europe where you could buy. So why another online store?
Well, mamike™ has been on the Swiss market since 2014. Started with store in store and a little something online. As first pure main importer of Worbla®, our store and the offer has grown from year to year. Also thanks to the support of you as cosplayer:in. Right. Thanks to your ideas and suggestions, we really got going. Why? mamike™ listens and learns to improve and meet your needs.
So what should make you buy from us?
One clear point is certainly the time savings. With us you will find almost everything. That is, various manufacturers Foam, primers, acrylic paints to name a few.
And what we don’t have in our range yet, tell us and we’ll try to round it up and include it.
Yes right a real effort. But hey… it’s worth it to us in any case. And… our success seems to live up to the effort.