The Book of Cosplay Painting – Brushes and Acrylics
Kamui Cosplay the Book of Cosplay Painting in English, German, French and Italian
Paint adds life to your armor and props! In this book you’ll learn how I do it! On 48 pages and over 100 pictures you’ll get easy step-by-step guides and detailed explanations about: choosing the right references, painting three-dimensional, surface priming, materials and tools, painting metal and organics, creating gradients, adding shadows and highlights, details, weathering, sealing your paint-job and of course a lot of detailed pictures, tips and examples of my own finished costumes!
By ordering ‘The Book of Cosplay Painting – Brushes and Acrylics’ you’ll get easy step-by-step guides, tutorials and explanations for the following points:
- Choosing references
- Painting three-dimensional
- Surface priming
- Materials and tools
- Basic color layering
- Painting metals
- Painting organics
- Gradients
- Shadows and highlights
- Adding details
- Weathering
- Sealing
- Repairing chipped paint
As well as the following work examples:
- Warrior T5 & Gorehowl – World of Warcraft
- Journey’s End – World of Warcraft
- Wizard Dragon Staff – Diablo III
- Protoss Wizard – Blizzard Crossover